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    Adam Laxalt

    Voted/Stands Against
    • far-right extremist
    • supports fascism

    But as he runs in perhaps the most competitive Senate race in the country, he has shed much of his political inheritance. Mr. Laxalt, 44, has positioned himself as a child of the Trump era, embracing culture clashes over “wokeness” and election conspiracy theories. If there’s a mantle he picks up from his grandfather, Paul […]

    J. D. Vance

    Voted/Stands Against
    • far-right extremist
    • supports fascism
    • codify federal abortion

    The conspiracy theory, which has found a home on the far-right fringes, broadly states that a Jewish-led cabal of liberals is trying to take power by replacing white voters with nonwhites by any means necessary, including immigration and interracial marriage. The suspect in the deadly supermarket shooting in Buffalo, New York, in May, who is […]

    Kari Lake

    Voted/Stands Against
    • far-right extremist

    Why it matters: As some see it, Lake — a 2020 election denier — could easily win the state’s gubernatorial race and threaten its 2024 election processes. And with the talent she’s already displayed even as a political novice, they see her potential to soar to a vice presidential spot or a post-Trump presidential candidacy.

    Blake Masters

    Voted/Stands Against
    • codify federal abortion
    • far-right extremist

    US Senate candidate Blake Masters appears to have removed some of the more extreme anti-abortion stances from his website after securing the GOP nomination in Arizona earlier this month. Masters, who has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump, won his primary on August 2 and is set to face incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly […]

    Mehmet Oz

    Voted/Stands Against
    • public education

    The primary criticism of Oz’s campaign to represent Pennsylvanians in the Senate is that he has little connection to Pennsylvania and its people. While he did attend medical school at the University of Pennsylvania, Oz spent more than three decades of his life and celebrity career in New Jersey. Oz inadvertently gave Twitter users a […]

    Carl Pasquale Paladino

    Voted/Stands Against
    • destroy fbi

    A Republican candidate for Congress in New York said he was “being facetious” when, in the same interview, he said the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, should be executed for authorising the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Florida home. The candidate, Carl Paladino, recently caused controversy when he praised Adolf Hitler, as “the kind […]

    Hershal Walker

    Voted/Stands Against
    • firearm regulations
    • choice

    Though Walker claims he’s been rehabilitated, that doesn’t mean his temperament and his mental fitness for office are beyond reproach. He’s not running to become Georgia’s top motivational speaker. He’s running to become one of Georgia’s senator. And Georgians deserve to question whether this particular candidate, who has a long history of alleged violence and […]

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Voted/Stands Against
    • firearm regulations
    • codify federal abortion
    • strengthening voting rights act
    • jan 6th committee

    Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican representative from Georgia, has defended her endorsement of “Christian nationalism” after the term “she is a Nazi” trended on Twitter. Greene was accused on Monday of being a “Nazi” by Twitter users commenting on her defense of Christian nationalism while speaking on Saturday at the Turning Point USA Student Action […]

    Josh Hawley

    Voted/Stands Against
    • jan 6th committee

    Josh Hawley, the Missouri senator shown running from the mob he incited on January 6, is “a laughingstock” who should be afraid of what the Capitol attack committee might disclose next, a leading newspaper in his home state said. Hawley was widely criticised for raising a fist to protesters outside Congress on 6 January 2021, […]

    Ron DeSantis

    Voted/Stands Against
    • codify federal abortion
    • firearm regulations
    • strengthening voting rights act
    • codify gay marriage
    • irs misinformation

    When Gov. Ron DeSantis abruptly suspended Tampa’s elected prosecutor last week, it was not accomplished in a late-night sacking or buried in a 5 p.m. Friday press release. Rather, DeSantis summoned reporters and cameras for a midday media event, as he does several times a week, stood before officers in uniform and elected allies and […]

    Chris Sununu

    Voted/Stands Against
    • supports fascism

    “What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy,” Biden told a group of Democratic donors at a private home in Maryland ahead of a rally with state leaders. “It’s not just Trump,” he went on, “it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to […]

    John Kennedy

    Voted/Stands Against
    • far-right extremist

    Here’s Senator John Kennedy: “President Biden will let any illiterate gang banger, oftentimes with drugs, come right on in.”

    Matt Gaetz

    Voted/Stands Against
    • codify federal abortion
    • strengthening voting rights act
    • firearm regulations

    Congress is filled with a lot of loathsome, moronic, thoroughly repugnant people, but perhaps none more so than Representative Matt Gaetz. Currently under investigation for allegedly paying women for sex and, separately, sleeping with a minor and transporting her across state lines, the Florida legislator responded to the assault on reproductive rights in May by […]

    Mark Finchem

    Voted/Stands Against
    • far-right extremist

    The Republican nominee for secretary of state in Arizona is a self-proclaimed member of the far-right extremist group the Oath Keepers who repeatedly shared anti-government conspiracies and posts about stockpiling ammunition on social media. CNN’s KFile team uncovered previously unreported posts from Mark Finchem, an Arizona state representative who won his party’s nomination with the […]

    Kevin McCarthy

    Voted/Stands Against
    • DOJ integrity
    • strengthening voting rights act

    After seeing that the FBI issued a search warrant for Mar-a-Lago, Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Attorney General Merrick Garland to preserve his documents and clear his schedule. The comment puts Garland on notice that McCarthy and the Republican officials are coming for him if they regain power in Congress in November. In a […]

    Ted Cruz

    Voted/Stands Against
    • irs misinformation
    • firearm regulations

    Cruz defends his crassness as a good-natured way to lampoon liberal foibles. But while the Texas Republican’s provocations make him a fan favorite on the right, critics see mean-spirited humor that spreads transphobia and homophobia in the guise of championing traditional values.

    Paul Gosar

    Voted/Stands Against
    • firearm regulations
    • jan 6th committee
    • destroy fbi

    Just before 9 p.m. Monday, hours after it was announced that FBI agents had searched former President Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago for documents illegally brought from the White House, close Trump ally Paul Gosar had something to say. In five lines of text, Gosar, R-Ariz., invalidated a federal investigation, professed his continued alliance with […]

    Jim Jordan

    Voted/Stands Against
    • firearm regulations
    • jan 6th committee

    After Rep. Jim Jordan said The Respect for Marriage Act is “the latest installment of the Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize and intimidate the United States Supreme Court,” and that “Democrats can’t run on their disastrous record,” Goldberg responded: “I know you don’t really pay attention to much, but I will say that what the Democrats […]

    Louie Gohmert

    Voted/Stands Against
    • jan 6th committee

    Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas presented an honorary American flag recently flown above the US Capitol to a convicted January 6 rioter after she was released from prison Friday. Gohmert, a Trump ally who has previously promoted debunked conspiracies about the January 6, 2021, insurrection, met Dr. Simone Gold upon her release from federal […]

    Lindsey Graham

    Voted/Stands Against
    • jan 6th committee

    Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday there will be riots if former President Donald Trump is prosecuted over his handling of classified materials. Graham made the comment in an appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America.” The South Carolina senator said he thinks there’s a “double standard” when it comes to federal law enforcement, […]

    Susan Collins

    Voted/Stands Against
    • codify gay marriage

    Sen. Susan Collins of Maine suggested the surprise climate deal struck by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin this week on a skinnier version of the president’s economic agenda could tank bipartisan efforts to pass a bill protecting same-sex marriage. “I just think the timing could not have been worse and it […]